Tuesday, November 13, 2007



Kerjasama Antar Negara dalam Pengembalian Aset Koruptor di Luar Negeri

The fight against corruption in 21st century has changed its paradigm. At first, the fight against corruption was just focus on how to punish the corruptor. Nowadays, fight against corruption have developed into not only about giving penalty, but also how to recover all the asset that was kept outside the country. Asset recovery has become a global issue which recently draws the attention of the world community. On 17 September 2007, World Bank and United Nation launched a program called StAR Innitiative. Star Innitiative is a program designated to help States that are trying to recover their assets which being kept by corruptor in another country. Although eversince this program were launched there are doubt about its success, the recovery of asset is not an impossible thing. This, was proved by a few cases such as Nigeria that has succeeded in recover its assets stolen by General Sani Abacha, Nigeria Former President.

In the report of StAR Innitiative with sources from Transparency International, Soeharto ranked as the most corrupted political leader. Although there has been a controversy about the validity of this statement, Indonesia have to admit that there are a lot of State's asset that was stolen by corruptor and taken outside the country. Therefore, the implementation of asset recovery would be a core issues to all Indonesian people especially in its legal terms. In an effort to recover all the assets from corruption, Indonesia will have to face many legal problems both in international and national level. As to the international, Indonesia will have to deal with different legal system and not to mention foreign policy which could have political aspect. On the national level, Indonesia still has dualism of law, in correlation with the authority that has the right to deal with cases of corruption.

For all this reason, asset recovery become an important matter, that all the relevant parties should be brought together to discuss this issue. The intention of this event is that asset recovery would not just become an issue, but could be fully understand and implemented in Indonesia. Therefore, all the asset from the corruption that is being kept outside the country, could be recovered and be used for the best interest of the people of Indonesia.

Introductory Note (Prolog dan Pengantar mengenai kerjasama antar Negara dalam asset recovery)
Oleh LPHI: Indriati . K, Peneliti Senior LPHI

Bpk. Sujarnako , Ketua Asset Tracking Recovery KPK
Overview bagaimana studi KPK terhadap asset recovery yang sukses dilakukan oleh Nigeria, kendala dan implementasi apa yang cocok dilakukan di Indonesia

Bpk. Yoseph Suardi Sabda, Direktur Perdata JAMDATUN Kejagung RI
Bagaimana pengalaman Indonesia berupaya mengembalikan aset koruptor di luar negeri (Contoh kasus yang baru beliau tangani mengenai rekening Tommy di Guernsey). Hal-hal apa saja yang dilakukan Kejaksaan, apa saja kendalanya dan apa yang sebenarnya diperlukan oleh eksekutor lapangan untuk berhasil melakukan asset recovery.

Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana
Bagaimana kerjasama antar negara dalam asset recovery dikaitkan dengan prinsip-prinsip dalam hukum internasional. Apakah HIN dapat mengakomodasi hal-hal yang tidak dapat diakomodasi oleh hk Nasional atau sebaliknya.

Moderator:Paku Utama

NOVEMBER 15th 2007, means THURSDAY
Soemadipradja & Taher MULTIMEDIA ROOM FHUI


Dress: Formal/ Batik

BE THERE...................

ORGANIZED BY: Forum Lintas Generasi and Lembaga Pengkajian Hukum Internasional FHUI